Questions & Answers

Ford Escape door status

0 votes
2012 Ford Escape with evo all configured standalone

Everything works great but the vehicle still remote starts with the doors open

is this correct as the guide says doors must be closed

I have hooked up the driver door pin as well .

evo all says it monitors door status as one of the features so not sure why it would still remote start with the door open

used flash link tool and didn't see any option for this other then remote shutdown when door is opened


any input would be appreciated thanks
posté Dec 29, 2015 dans la catégorie Ford par Andrew Thompson (390 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
This is normal.

Yes It does monitor door status.

Some cars it will not but on certain vehicles such as yours it will still start with the door open.

If you wanted you could use the hood pin wire so that when the door is open that wire is at ground, thus preventing the car from starting when that door is open.
répondu Dec 29, 2015 par derek g (336,040 points)