Questions & Answers

Flash programed the EVOALL and now it won't program in the car

0 votes
I flashed the evo to the recommended firmware and now I cannot reprogram in the vehicle. It will only enter into the learn mode. Will not turn the yellow LED on when I turn the key to the run position. I even purchased a second EVOALL and flashed it and get the same results.
posté Sept 17, 2016 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par John Verhoog (160 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes
Make sure you have connected the yellow accessory wire from the EVOALL 20 pin connector to the BROWN accessory wire of the vehicle. You can also test this wire with a DMM, it should should 0v when key is off or key is at start, and 12V when key is on accessory or ignition position.
répondu Sept 18, 2016 par John Verhoog (85,210 points)
0 votes
Use firmware 70.18
répondu Sept 19, 2016 par Robert T (299,650 points)