Questions & Answers

Which Start wire to use on Forester 2009 ?

0 votes
I recently acquired a 2009 Forester. Using a Fortin Evo-All and a Crime Stopper RS2-G3 remote starter I cannot figure out which Start wire to use.

1) Your installation guide suggest the use of Start wires Ter 1 (White/Black) and 2 (White/Red) while the RS2-G3 connector only has one Start wire (Brown). How should I make the proper connection(s) ?

2) As well, the remote starter has two (2) Constant 12V (+) Input Red wires on its 6 pin power harness. Should both of them be connected to the RS2 (+) 12V white wire of the Forester Ignition harness ?

PS. I see that on the Evo One installation you use a relay on the Start Ter 2 wire.
fermer avec la note: Got my answers
posté Sept 27, 2018 dans la catégorie Subaru par Gaetan Roussel (260 points)
fermé Oct 3, 2018 par Gaetan Roussel

1 Réponse

+1 vote
1) use the blue/Orange wire from the crime stopper with a relay as the second starter wire. 2) connect both red 12+ wires together to the white constant on the car. 3) change your settings on the evo all change f2 to f1 and turn off H3
répondu Sept 27, 2018 par Mike M (9,800 points)

1) Before I saw your message I had programmed the Evo-All for the 2009 Subaru Forester without the suggested options but when I connected the Evo-All to the RS2-G2 remote starter no lights would come on on the Evo-All.  What could be the issue ?  I did hold the programming button down before connecting the 4-PIN Data-link harness (black connector).  I also established there was power going to the red wire of the 4-PIN Data-link harness.

2) Should I also load the suggested options when programming the Evo-All ?

3) As instructed  I was able to turn off H3 (CrimeStopper) which effectively turns off all Supported RF Kits (might as well completely turn off the H options instead).

4) However I could not change the F settings because there is not an option to turn on and off the Datalink Protocols.  The F1, F2 and F3 options are all greyed out.

5) Concerning the Start2 wire, how do I connect the relay ?  Do I follow the instructions as shown in the Evo-one installation guide ? That is what I did.

1) Before I saw your message I had programmed the Evo-All for the 2009 Subaru Forester without the suggested options but when I connected the Evo-All to the RS2-G2 remote starter no lights would come on on the Evo-All.  What could be the issue ?  I did hold the programming button down before connecting the 4-PIN Data-link harness (black connector).  I also established there was power going to the red wire of the 4-PIN Data-link harness.

2) Should I also load the suggested options when programming the Evo-All ?

3) As instructed  I was able to turn off H3 (CrimeStopper) which effectively turns off all Supported RF Kits (might as well completely turn off the H options instead).

4) However I could not change the F settings because there is not an option to turn on and off the Datalink Protocols.  The F1, F2 and F3 options are all greyed out.

5) Concerning the Start2 wire, how do I connect the relay ?  Do I follow the instructions as shown in the Evo-one installation guide ? That is what I did.

A few hours later I double check all wire color matches and connectivity and all seem in order.  However I had forgotten to connect the black groung wire of the RS2-G3. 

Now that he RS2-G2 ground is connected, the EVO-all lights are illuminating but only in the following order endlessly: Blue to Red to Yellow to Blue and Red.  The Blue and Red light will go solid.  I repeated the process a few to no avail.

A little later .... I figured out that I had to let go of the programming button on the red/blue solids lites, not when the Evo-all would stop on its own on the red/blue lites. So the Evo-all is now programmed and the key decryption was succesfull.

The only problem is that eventhough I hear the appropriate clicinkg sounds from the RS2-G3, the doors won't lock or unlock, the panic mode doesnot sound the horn, and the remote starter won't start the car eventhough the first stage Igniton ON position of the start process does take place.

I suspect the Evo-All is not getting or transmitting the information it is getting from the RS2-G3.  Can you offer some advice to fix this issue ?
Finally got it done. Had to turn off F3 BEFORE I could switch F2 to F1.

Also had to run a horn wire to the remote starter as well as a Brake pedal wire to be able to program the remote starter.

Thank you for your assistance