Questions & Answers

Toyota Sienna 2008 + EVO ONE no starting Car

0 votes
Toyota Sienna 2008 -installation  guide 58481 ,connection 1 ,program 1

programming bypas is ok -red light blinking and off. car is no running ,no blue light flashing when lock door with keyfob-no reaction

Firmware wersion 79.49 - i no try diffrent wersion program -problem is to many times flashing modules is blocked and problem unlock / ask me why used one module to many cars -to many times fortin not working and try second modules,sometimes from customer car when remote work perfect.


service no :002B07213899


No answer ok-more connection/diagram is bad no only for this car

Guide 58481 is incompletely and no answer and no help from fortin


I installing last 10 maybe 12 fortin products from my stock and change company
fermer avec la note: Feature not supported on this car.
posté Nov 7, 2018 dans la catégorie Toyota par Radoslaw Patora (740 points)
fermé Nov 8, 2018 par derek g

1 Réponse

0 votes
The blue led is not flashing becuase we support no can bus features on that vehicle. Which answers your question of why the remote is not detected. Also if you check the website (, we do not list OEM remote monitoring as a supported feature.


For future refrence, when you are having difficutly with an installation or are unsure if something is even supported on the car you are working on I would suggest contacting tech support directly for a faster response.


Mon-Fri 8-8 EST.
répondu Nov 8, 2018 par derek g (357,980 points)