Questions & Answers

Why is the Evo all not sampling immobilizer data for 2004 Nissan Quest?

0 votes
Hello,I followed the instructions for installation..the car would start with key in ignition..also,when I press the brakes,it won't shut down...ive tried everything to make it work..did the programming and when I turn the ignition off,the red and yellow lights
posté Nov 10, 2018 dans la catégorie Nissan par Jamel Charles (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Disable option B2 and retry programming to the vehicle.


What remote starter are you using ?
répondu Nov 12, 2018 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
crimestopper cool start rs00-gs
sill not saving immobilizer sample..
During programming did the blue led flashed rapidly ? The brake not working indicate something wrong with canbus.
Yes the blue led flashes rapidly...then when I turn the ignition off,it flashes red and you mean the evoall canbus unit?I wired up the obd 2 the exact way I was told to. I downgraded the firmware to starts when lock 3 times is pressed,shuts down when brake is the problem is when turned on with key,it shuts off within 1 to 2 seconds...if I reset the bypass,car starts and runs,once programmed, can't start with key..