Questions & Answers

2019 Tundra EVO-One what is the trick to get the factory FOB 3 button press to work for remote start?

0 votes
I can start my truck with the Fortin 642 remote but the 3X lock feature on the OEM FOB will not work.  What is needed to make this work.
posté Jan 17, 2019 dans la catégorie Toyota par Michael LaCaze (310 points)

1 Réponse

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WHat is the service number on the module ?
répondu Jan 21, 2019 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)

It's 002B07318772.

Your module has options that should not be ON.

Turn off B1, D3, D4, D5, D6.


After, make sure every time you press lock, the blue led flash on the module.
Ok I will try that and let you know.
I was able to get it going this weekend.  The service number that I gave you was for the unit that I had to send back.  Unfortunately I forgot once again to get the service number off the new unit but I only had D5 on for the new EVO module.  Once I turned that off I was able to use the FOB to do remote start but I do need to press the lock button 4 times not 3.  I tihink I read somewhere that you may need to do this to activate the system on the first press.

I also needed to select 6.2 on the remote starter as the unit was not relocking after start once I removed D5.

Is there any way to get the new service number off the new unit without having to remove it?  If not I will need to remove my dash panels again to get it.