Questions & Answers

Anything in the module that could cause a dead battery at random.

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Evo-all with Chrysler T-Harness, 2 times had random event where the vehicle got stuck saying no fob is present, had to disconnect Evo and reconnect to get the message to go away. Now, don't know if related but the battery has died 2 times 1 overnight, 1 during day. Dealer tested, said 'shorted ignition switch'. Replaced switch, fault happened again. Vehicle battery has been tested (good), evo starts/stops vehicle as normal. Have temporarily disconnected Evo and harness from vehicle to see if fault happens again.
posté Mai 3, 2019 dans la catégorie Dodge par Jon Olofson (240 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Perform a parasitic draw test, this will answer whether or not something is draining you battery.


evo-all stand alone 3x lock when the vehicle has gone into sleepp mode should pull about 7mA (0.007A, +/- 2mA).


As far as the other behaviors, I cannot say I have seen that before. Pretty common installation done on thousands of vehicles. Go over the common stuff, checking connectors and harness routing a pin that may have pushed out a little....
répondu Mai 3, 2019 par derek g (358,030 points)