Questions & Answers

can i add Rf range extnder and Lnkr Lt2 bluetooth to the Evo All and if so what HArness do I use to connect it?

0 votes
Can I hook up RF extender and LINKR LT2 on the EVO All. So for example, if i dont want to use remote i can use my phone and vise versa. if i dont want to use my phone i can use rf remote that is provided with crimestopper rf extender kit. thank you
posté Sept 9, 2019 dans la catégorie Nissan par Robb Millett (250 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Not possible anymore. Changes made to both antennas have made this no longer supported.

You can use fortin rf kit and evo-start antenna if in canada.
répondu Sept 9, 2019 par derek g (346,560 points)
OK. I had ordered an EVO-NIST4 +the flash link. Can I use the Blue tooth LINKR LT2 with this?