Questions & Answers

Programming instructions only worked for first key

+1 vote
The instructions above worked as described for the first key.  However, when I insert the second and key and turn to ON/OFF the YELLOW LED never turns ON nor does the RED LED flicker.  As such, the remote start function does not work. The second key works perfectly to lock and unlock so I don't believe it is a battery issue.  Any further suggestions?

Thank You
asociée à une réponse pour: EVO- ALL Won't Program OEM keys 2011 Ford F-150
posté Jan 11, 2014 dans la catégorie Ford par Steve Balli (260 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes
You need to have 2 original Ford keys. Both keys must have SA stamped on the keyshaft. If you do have 2 original keys, your trucks computer may already have more than two keys programmed into it. If that is the case the trucks computer may be locked out, so programming new keys is disabled. Only a Ford tech tool can enable this feature, and also tell you how many keys are programmed in this vehicle. Are you using a T-harness? If so the EVO must be at 71.00+ firmware. If no harness it must be at v4.18.
répondu Jan 13, 2014 par Steve Balli (8,290 points)
0 votes
When you follow the procedure of key 1, Key 2 then Key 1 again, do the doors lock/unlock by themselves? This is a direct indicator that tells you if the vehicle is locked from programming.
répondu Jan 13, 2014 par Robert T (304,010 points)
Key 1, Key 2 then Key 1 Procedure does not result in lock/unlock