Questions & Answers

Remote started the car, but parking light not on

0 votes
I installed EVO-ALL in a 2017 Infiniti QX70 with THARN-NIS1 harness using guide #90131. It is a stand alone remote starter programmed with 3X lock on OEM fob to remote start the car.  The brown wire from the T harness is connected to the only red wire(pin 8) on the only 10-pin white connector at the BCM as it is depicted in the installation guide. I also confirmed with WIRECOLOR.COM picture and diagram, the red wire is the parking light wire for the car.

I test the brown with a meter when the car has remote started and I don't see 12V at the brown wire. I see 12V on the red wire when I turn the car light switch to parking light position.

Should there be 12V on the brown wire from the THARN-NIS1 harness when the remote is running the car?
posté Mai 7, 2020 dans la catégorie Infiniti par A L (180 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Meilleure réponse
Make sure the Brown/white from the 20 pin connector is connected to the Brown/white from the t-harness.
répondu Mai 7, 2020 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
élue Mai 8, 2020 par Robert T

Thanks for the suggestion. The Brown/White on the 20-pin connector came connected to a little relay attached to the T harness. I don't have to do any connections there.


Update 1: I call Tech Support and spoke with Robert. He suggested to test by gounding the brown/white wire at the little relay. I can hear and feel the relay clicks as I ground the brown/white wire. He also suggest to probe the brown wire when the car has been reomote started for voltage. my brown wire does not show any voltage. 

Update 2: Call back to support. Robert suggest to tuen off the A14. Now my parking is on when I remote starts the car.

Fortin's tech support is very helpful.
