Questions & Answers

evo-all on 2009 audi s5 will not learn/decrypt key with T-harness

0 votes
I have tapped all he correct color wires by the punch and twist method, The T-harness is fully seated into the keyport module. Per the guide I am using the recommended 60.10 firmware. when Igo through the process on learning/decrypting the key, the evo all only gets to the point where all there leds alternate. but instead of getting a solid red led and then the slowly alternating red and yellow. I only get the red led that blinks 3x. and it never changes. I have also tried the alternate firmwares [.08] through [.11] and have had the same results. I have put a brand new batttery in the vehicle and the remote as well. I tried programing the evo with the option A11 both on and off.

What else can I try?    serial# : 001A07321568


Best wishes,
asked May 14, 2022 in Audi by Sanpadi Ninsavang (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Where did you connect your can hi and can low wires?


3x flash red = Vehicle unknown. It id's the vehicle through the can bus wires and wires at the key port.
answered May 16, 2022 by derek g (357,980 points)
at the steering column.  I used the twisted pair. Orange/green to grey and orange/brown to grey/back.
With the ignition on, if you meter the grey and grey/black wires directly at the evo's white 5 pin connector what readings do you get? Test them in voltage DC one wire at a time.
the grey wire tested .8v and the grey/black tested 4.5v. since they are not 2.5v I went ahead and tested the other twisted pair (orange/blue and orange/brown) just to see what they read and they both tested 2.5v. my car was manufactured on 06/2008. Could this be an odd year where the wires don't 100% match with the guide?
What is the 10th digit to the vin number?


Did you try the other twisted pair to see what the module does when you program it?
10th digit of the vin is 9.

I connected grey to orange/blue and grey/black to orange/brown and get the same error (3x red led).

I tried grey to orange/brown and grey/black to orange blue and it never makes it to the part where the blue led blinks rapidly.

Well the unbalanced can is more than likley causing your programming issue. youve got one dead can wire and one with all the communication on it. "the grey wire tested .8v and the grey/black tested 4.5v."


Are there any active of passive codes store in the vehicle?

I used my special vw reader to clear out all the vag codes that I could find.

I tried the evo all on both of the twisted pair and got the same results.

So if those wires are supposed to be balanced, it looks like the the evo all is probably working correctly and there is a problem with the car.

I am going to count this project as a loss.

Thank you for your time.