Questions & Answers

I have a 2011 e92 with idrive, alarm and navigation - I just want keyless start -- is it possible?

0 votes
What parts would be necessary for an OEM look keyless start for a 2011 e92.  I'm fine with using the existing key fob to open the doors.  But I'd like to be able to just put the key in my pocket and press start.  Is this possible?
asked Aug 10, 2014 in BMW by H Cooper (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
You might want to direct this question to AdvancedKeys.

This site is directed mostly at Fortin products.
answered Aug 11, 2014 by Robert T (304,010 points)
I'm asking about the Fortin BMW - int which supposedly has remote start.

The INT-BMW is to be used with a remote starter and the evo-all. It's used to control the vehicles electronic ignition system. The INT-BMW by itself is not a remote starter.


But... once the vehicle is remote started, you will not need to put the key in the keyport after doing take-over to drive away. Starting the car normally though, will still require you to put the key in the keyport. The system is not meant to work as a full keyless start, but on BMW, there is the convience that if the vehicle is remote started, you won't have to put the key in the port. 

Then what does this mean from the Fortin webpage?


"Equipped with a PTS (Push-To-Start) ignition system which uses a button instead of an key cylinder to start and stop the vehicle. A valid key fob must be in proximity to start the vehicle."

That's a brief desciption of what will be found in a Push-to-Start vehicle. A factory feature.  This will be present on all vehicles that we need to control the vehicles PTS button for remote starting.

The left column(s) of the vehicle compatibilities are for factory vehicle features that Fortin products will cover for Remote Starters, Alarms and GPS units. The rest of the columns cover which products we have that will cover that factory feature (and a brief desciption of how it's done).
okay.  Thanks.