Questions & Answers

Could I have a detailed explanation/description on the EVO ALL programmable options from option 13 all the way down?

+1 vote
Also, if option 12 is on, do you have to have 19 on as well? How do they work together?
closed with the note: FAQ for EVO-ALL options required.
asked Dec 5, 2013 in Bypass by Grease Monkey Tuners (1,230 points)
closed Dec 6, 2013 by Robert T

1 Answer

0 votes
When i get a moment I'll write something up for everyone. We have no full description at the moment.
answered Dec 6, 2013 by Robert T (304,010 points)

Have you had time to do up a write up on this?

Wish i could say yes. Starter season.. 'tis the season...


At the moment though, if you plug in the EVO to the Flash-Link manager and go in the options Tab (not the options button on the bottom right corner), there is a short desciption of what the option is. Some options won't show up if you don't have the latest firmware of whichever vehicle you selected.