Questions & Answers

2014 Wrangler Does Everything But Start

0 votes
I believe I have done everything correct but when I try to start the blue light flashes each of the 3 times I hit the lock button but the jeep doesn't start . What am I missing ?
asked Jan 2, 2018 in Jeep by ANTHONY MCMAHON (150 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Options A1 to A11 must be enabled in your module. They are currently off.
answered Jan 2, 2018 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
Thank you Mathieu, after several days of frustration I was able to remote start the vehicle !!! I thought I was following the vendors directions by disabling those features, while enabling the others . I may have misinterpreted them. Thanks again my friend !!!