Questions & Answers

Audi - Key Not Recognized when attempting to remote start

0 votes
I am installing a EVO-All on a 2017 push to start Audi A3 with THAR-VW1 and R-Link. I follow all the steps during installation. The programming is successful and the DCrytor is able to create the bypass key. I plug everything back into the car, replace the R-Link with the TBVW, and attempt the 3x lock remote start. The cars lights turn on, and the hazards flash once. I hear the Audi chime inside the car and on the dashboard it says "Key not recognized". When I am sitting inside the vehicle, I click the 3x lock function and the car starts. It seems the remote start only works when I am sitting inside the car. To test this, I checked all the wires, connections, and redid the installation 3 times. Same result each time. The remote start only works when sitting inside the car. Once you step outside with the 3x lock function, the key is not recognized. Any ideas?
asked Jan 14, 2020 in Audi by Patrick Komorowski (130 points)
edited Jan 14, 2020 by Patrick Komorowski

2 Answers

+1 vote
RLink is only used for programming, once programming is done you must remove the RLink and connect a TBVW.
answered Jan 14, 2020 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
Yes, R-Link is removed and the TBVW was installed on all 3 attempts.
0 votes
Same issue 2017 Volksawgen Alltrack with T Harness and R link.

Let me know if you resolve your issue, thanks
answered Feb 26, 2020 by Valentin Samokon (380 points)